HATTLER – Warhol Holidays

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MP3 and FLAC available for download on Bandcamp

Get the CD directly from the artists’ record label now and here.

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Artikelnummer: H-2016-1 Kategorien: ,


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Über Warhol Holidays

Hellmut Hattler ist der Bassist, der so klingt wie … Hattler. Und wie kein anderer Musiker. Hattler scannt nicht die Szene ab, um irgendwelchen Trends nachzuspüren. Immer ist er seiner eigenen, inneren Stimme gefolgt. Und diese Stimme hat der Bassist jetzt genauer erforscht. Hat Schicht um Schicht abgetragen, sich vorgearbeitet in sein Unterbewusstsein. Das gilt ganz konkret auch fürs Komponieren. Bislang standen meist die elektronischen Grooves am Anfang – entwickelt von seinen »Laborratten«, wie Hattler seine Kollegen aus der Programmierabteilung liebevoll nennt. Dann hat er Basslinien drübergelegt, Harmonien, Melodien und zum Schluss den Text.

Jetzt ist Hattler ganz anders vorgegangen. Bei den meisten neuen Songs stand am Anfang nicht die Elektronik, nicht die Technik, auch keine Fingerübungen am Bass. Am Anfang stand: Die reine Idee! Hellmut Hattler hat sich eine Zeit lang zurückgezogen, in sich hineingehorcht. Die Musik entstand nicht am Instrument, sondern zunächst mal im Kopf. Jedes musikalische Element hat er reifen lassen, bis eine bestimmte Stimmung erreicht war. Dann erst hat er die nächste Schicht, die nächste Linie entwickelt. »Das geht nur in der Abgeschiedenheit und mit viel Zeit«, sagt Hattler.

Das Album »Warhol Holidays« ist im Grunde auskomponierte Lebenserfahrung: Hattler hat verschüttete Erinnerungen, Empfindungen wieder freigelegt – Beglückendes, Schmerzhaftes, Sehnsüchtiges, Witziges. Auch in den Texten finden sich jede Menge biographischer Mitbringsel: Etwa im ironischen Blick auf berauschte Hippiezeiten in »High on a mountainbike« oder im entspannten wie tiefen Song »Love and freedom (no smiley)«. Im Titeltrack »Warhol Holidays« blitzt die Erinnerung an die Anfänge der Pop-Art auf: Wie nahe liegen Kunst und Kommerz beieinander? Ist die Rebellion der Popkultur nicht längst von einem einlullenden Wohlgefühl abgelöst worden? Und was bedeuten diese Fragen von einst in der heutigen Zeit? Der Song »Warhol Holidays« überträgt sie auf die traurigen Verführungen unserer Tage.

»Es geht mir im Moment sehr darum, die momentane Situation zu relativieren und künstlerisch zu erfassen. In Zeiten wie diesen (Stichwort: AfD, NSA, Anti-Demokraten auf dem Vormarsch, Entwicklung des »dunklen Kapitalismus«) braucht es eine Positionsbestimmung«, so Hattler. Was ist mein Kern? Was macht mich aus?

Dennoch ist »Warhol Holidays« überhaupt kein schweres Album geworden. Texte wie Titel stecken voller Wortwitz (»Parallelgesellschaftstanzmusik«). Und der Sound der Band ist durchaus Tanzboden-tauglich geblieben. Der Mann am Bass liefert bewährt knackige Fundamente und geschmeidige Melodien. Neben der seit zehn Jahren stabilen Stammbesetzung bringen Gastmusiker wie die Perkussionisten Biboul Darouiche und Wolfgang Wahl, Tastenmann Martin Kasper der Gitarrist Ali Neander sowie die Soundspezialisten XMZ, Peter Musebrink oder die Stimmen von DJ Jondal, Tracy, Margaret und Steve Cork neue Farben in die Musik. Und Sängerin Fola Dada ist für Hellmut Hattler nach wie vor die »Traumbesetzung« für seine Songs.

Leichtigkeit und Tiefgang sind auf dem Album wunderbar vereint. Hattler geht mit dieser Balance virtuos um – nicht nur künstlerisch. Leichtigkeit ist »zwischenmenschlich unabdingbar«, davon ist der Bassist überzeugt. Der Eingangssong »Spell E.Z.« (sprich: spell easy) klingt da wie ein Bekenntnis: Spell E.Z. – Spell an A. To B. back on the ground. »Bleib locker und leicht und komm wieder runter!«

Ein weiser Satz. Und das Album eines der musikalisch und politisch charmantesten Statements der letzten Zeit.

Rainer Schlenz

  1. Spell E.Z. 3:31 (Music & words: Hellmut Hattler)

    I’ve been lost – I’ve been found
    I’ve been up and I’ve been down
    I’ve been loved – I’ve been fought
    I’ve been dropped and I’ve been caught

    Really! I dearly called it random walk
    Nearly – I guess I merely missed the fork
    Sincerely – a dark flow is no place for colours

    It ain’t easy – no E. To C. the stars come down
    Spell E.Z. – spell an A. To B. back on the ground

    I’ve been light – I’ve been sound
    I’ve been high and I’ve been down
    I’ve been locked – I’ve been missed
    I’ve been saved and I’ve been kissed

    Oh really? Did I really walk the line?
    Nearly – I guess I merely missed a sign
    Sincerely – a dark flow is no place for lovers

    It’s E.Z. – need U. To C. the sun come out
    Think “E.Z.” – if A.M.O.U.R is too loud

    Spell E.Z – M.E.Z. when the sun goes down
    Spell E.Z. – spell A. To B. back on the ground

    I’ve been lost – I’ve been found
    I’ve been up and I’ve been down
    I’ve been loved – I’ve been fought
    I’ve been dropped and I’ve been caught

    Really! I dearly called it random walk
    Nearly – I guess I merely missed the fork
    Sincerely – a dark flow’s no place for colours

    It ain’t easy – if there’s no E. To C. the stars come down
    Spell E.Z. – spell A. To B. back on the ground
    Spell E.Z. – M.E.Z. when I find the q.
    M.E.Z. – N.D.Z. when I think of you
    It’s E.Z. – I. need U. To C. The sun come out
    Think E.Z. – If A.M.O.U.R s too loud
    Spell E.Z – M.E.Z. when the sun goes down
    Spell E.Z. – spell A. To B. back on the ground

    Fola Dada
    Ali Neander
    keys and programming
    Martin Kasper
    drums and sounds
    Juergen Schlachter
    sounds and beats editing
    Ilya Khmyz aka XMZ
    Hellmut Hattler
  2. Spy 5:04 (Music & words: Hellmut Hattler)

    Don’t spy my cell-o-phone, don’t you spy my tell-o-phone …
    Third parties ain’t allowed – gotta talk to him alone
    Don’t spy my cell-o-phone, don’t you spy my tell-o-phone …
    It’s strictly confident – gotta talk to him alone
    Don’t spy my cell-o-phone, don’t spy my tell-o-phone …
    Do I commit a crime – if I’d talk to him alone?

    Don’t spy my cell-o-phone, don’t spy my tell-o-phone …
    No plans to blast your world – just wanna talk to him alone
    Don’t spy my cell-o-phone, don’t spy my tell-o-phone …
    Hey Mr. Hennessey – I wanna talk to him alone!
    Don’t spy my cell-o-phone, don’t spy my tell-o-phone …
    Nobody else should hear my words – gotta talk to him alone

    Fola Dada
    Jan Fride Wolbrandt
    Marcus Wichmann
    additional sounds, key and cymbals
    Juergen Schlachter
    basses and voice
    Hellmut Hattler
  3. Warhol Holidays 4:41 (Music: Hattler/Musebrink, words: Hattler)

    One sad hello – enough to tear a dream apart
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays

    Who said hello? It sounded like a song to me
    One word’s enough – to stop rescue boats from freezing
    One sad hello – enough to tear a dream apart
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays

    Back to surround myself with unicorns
    And blame the time for always being late
    Don’t say “better chew before you swallow”
    Go fly yourself around the world
    And move around remote controlled for her
    Did you ever meet the ones you followed?

    One sad hello – was breaking off a song to me
    So sad so wrong – when rescue boats freeze in

    Surround myself with unicorns
    And celebrate the chat set solitude
    Saying “what you get is what you wanted”

    Your sad hello – was sounding like a song to me
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays …

    One sad hello – enough to tear a dream apart
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays

    Fola Dada
    programming and guitar
    Peter Musebrink
    cymbals and drum-efx
    Oli Rubow
    Hellmut Hattler
  4. Love And Freedom (No Smiley) 5:14 (Music: Hattler/Musebrink, words: Hattler)

    Down with all odd and halfway lies
    Just bow my head for wisdom
    Doesn’t take much to realize
    Freedom loves no missions

    Get up off your knees
    No “read my lips” no more
    Away with “my way or no way”

    I’m just here and somebody
    I’ll never join a sisterhood of those who fight our songs
    Or try to swap belief for proofs and knowledge
    We all wanna love somebody
    But I refuse to fight someone instead
    And I promise – no one bans my songs of love and freedom

    Down with all sad and halfway lies
    Up off your butt for wisdom
    Get off your way to understand
    Freedom needs no missions

    Get up off your knees
    No “count-on-mes” no more
    Away with “my way or no way”

    We’re somewhere and somebody
    And certainly no paradise for chaps fighting clear thoughts
    By trying to swap belief for proofs and knowledge
    We all wanna love somebody
    Don’t wanna have to fight someone instead
    No smileys – for banned songs of love and freedom

    I’m somewhere and somebody
    I’ll never be a devotee for gods that fight my songs
    Or beards that preach belief instead of knowledge
    I just wanna love somebody
    But need no one to tell me how to dress
    No twilight – won’t hide my songs of love and freedom

    I’m just here and somebody
    Let’s never be following the ones who fight our songs
    By trying to sell belief instead of knowledge
    I just wanna love somebody
    Don’t wanna have to hate someone instead
    And I promise – I won’t steal your songs of love and freedom

    Fola Dada
    programming and guitar
    Peter Musebrink
    sounds and keys
    Martin Kasper and Juergen Schlachter
    Wolfgang Wahl
    Hellmut Hattler
  5. Sand Am Meer 7:46 (Music: Hattler/Musebrink)
    Hellmut Hattler
    sounds and beats
    Peter Musebrink
    Torsten de Winkel
    keys and programming
    Martin Kasper
    Oli Rubow
  6. Parallelgesellschaftstanzmusik 4:23 (Music: Hattler/Rubow/Neander)
    Hellmut Hattler
    Oli Rubow
    mandolin and guitar
    Ali Neander
    Martin Kasper
    Juergen Schlachter
  7. Mint 4:25 (Music: Hattler/Musebrink)
    Hellmut Hattler
    sounds and beats
    Peter Musebrink
    additional sounds
    Juergen Schlachter
    Oli Rubow
  8. Mountain Bike 5:20 (Music & words: Hellmut Hattler)

    High on a mountain bike, blue like the sea
    Pale like soilent green, turned around like your key

    Been dazing my days away
    I think I might strike back tomorrow

    Cool like a firefly, brave like the moon
    Set sales on the 7th c, feel stirred like a spoon

    Why lazin’ my days away
    High time to flip the screen and start to

    Chase flying saucers
    Across the universe, show some solitude
    Or even ride flying saucers
    Till the multiverse, become who you are

    So sweet: the stars below
    I think I might fly back tomorrow

    High on a mountain bike and blue like the sea
    Cool like a frozen knight, turned ’round like your key

    Why chasing the daze away
    If the only thing that’s left to do is …

    Ride flying saucers
    Across the universe, fighting solitude
    Come and chase flying saucers
    Dig the universe, become who you are
    Chase flying saucers
    Across the universe, show some solitude
    Or even ride flying saucers
    Till the multiverse, become who you are

    Fola Dada
    Ali Neander and Torsten de Winkel
    Peter Musebrink
    Oli Rubow and Juergen Schlachter
    Hellmut Hattler
  9. Dot Competition 3:21 (Music & words: Hellmut Hattler)

    You gotta move like a goddess, you gotta smile like a dancing queen
    You gotta fight like an agent and be an icon of the social scene
    Choose your words like a prophet, save the world, be a shooting star
    Always check out your mojo, deserve a plane and a racing car

    Save your knees – hear the mission
    The next big thing will be dot competition

    Fight for peace like a robot become an expert of self defense
    Post all your kids and your lovers to impress your facebook friends
    Meditate like a guru – be part of the financial world
    Mix sugar with science – and be the perfect party girl

    Cash your needs – join the mission
    Become a wondering star of competition
    Bleach your teeth – to blind the mission
    Deserve your licence for dot competition

    Choose your words like a prophet, explore the world like a shooting star
    Mix sugar and science, reach out for planes and expensive cars
    You gotta fight like a soldier and be an icon of peace defense
    Keep working hard on your mojo with daily selfies for your virtual friends

    If you’re no good, somebody’s bad
    But you don’t mind, that’s what you said
    Somebody’s down on someone’s floor
    And deaf enough to hear no score
    Somebody throws somebody’s rice
    I’ll cash your checks and cream your ice
    If someone kills – somebody’s dead
    That’s why I’m here that’s why you …

    … Save your knees – suspend the mission
    Who needs a wondering star of competition
    Tape your knees – erase your mission
    Why don’t you sign off of dotcom petition

    Sail on, please – there’s no mission
    We ain’t existing on dot competition.

    Fola Dada
    Ali Neander
    Martin Kasper
    drums and sounds
    Juergen Schlachter
    Hellmut Hattler
  10. Anything At All 4:42 (Music & words: Hellmut Hattler)

    (are you ready?)
    Please don’t ask me …
    (ist this the beginning?)

    Is there something I should know?
    Is there any place to go?
    Is there someone I should call?
    Is there anything at all?

    If you ever want to know, what to do or where to go …

    Is there something I should know?
    Is there any place to go?
    Is there someone I could call?
    Is there anything at all?

    If you ever want to know, what to do or where to go:
    Please don’t ask – please don’t ask me!

    Everything you’ve ever seen turns colourless
    And will never look the same – no blame
    Everything you’ve ever felt
    Turns ’round to never ever feel the same – like fame
    (is that your final answer?)

    Please don’t ask – please don’t ask me! (Can I ask you a question?)

    Is there something I should know?
    Is there any place to go?
    Is there someone I should call?
    Is there anything at all?

    If you ever want to know, what to do or where to go:
    Please don’t ask (can you hear the voices?) Please don’t ask me!

    Everything you’ll ever say turns out to be
    What others said before – to score
    But some thoughts that you’re going to think
    May turn to things that never came ashore – before

    Please don’t ask – please don’t ask me!
    (why me? If it isn’t you? – Is your head full of dreams? – Is it me that you’re looking for?
    do you really believe that it can’t be done? – Have you seen the sky tonight? – Is this the beginning?)

    Is there something I should know?
    Is there any place to go?
    Is there someone I should call?
    Is there anything at all?
    (and the question remains: is there life on mars?)

    Fola Dada
    Ali Neander
    drums, xylophone and sounds
    Juergen Schlachter
    Marcus Wichmann
    Wolfgang Wahl
    DJ Jondal, Tracy, Margaret and Steve Cork
    Hellmut Hattler
  11. Kraal Jam 3:54 (Music: Hellmut Hattler)
    Hellmut Hattler
    Oli Rubow
    organ and rhodes
    Martin Kasper
    Torsten de Winkel
    additional sounds
    Juergen Schlachter
    Biboul Darouiche
  12. Warhol Holidays (Reprise) 4:24 (Music: Hattler/Musebrink, words: Hattler)

    Who said hello? It sounded like a song to me
    One word’s enough – to stop rescue boats from freezing
    One sad hello – enough to tear a dream apart
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays

    Back to surround myself with unicorns
    And blame the time for always being late
    Don’t say “better chew before you swallow”
    Go fly yourself around the world
    And move around remote controlled for her
    Did you ever meet the ones you followed?

    One sad hello – was breaking off a song to me
    So sad so wrong – when rescue boats freeze in

    Surround myself with unicorns
    And celebrate the chat set solitude
    Saying “what you get is what you wanted”

    Your sad hello – was sounding like a song to me
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays

    One sad hello – enough to tear a dream apart
    We’ve been too long – on warhol holidays

    Fola Dada
    Peter Musebrink
    Oli Rubow
    Torsten de Winkel
    Hellmut Hattler
  13. Bikinian Rhapsody 4:09 (Music: Hellmut Hattler)
    keys and programming
    Martin Kasper
    Jan Fride Wolbrandt
    additional sounds & cymbals
    Juergen Schlachter
    Hellmut Hattler


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